
Two more surprises on Wednesday.

I got to do two things I really enjoy: sail with a spinnaker and swim with dolphins.

My spinnaker is a beautiful white and blue sail that has the drawing of two inverted quotation marks facing each other. It makes me go fast even on light wind. Plus I look really cool with it.

Later in the afternoon a bunch of dolphins began to swim alongside of me. They were beautiful, we played and talked with each other for just a little bit because they were in a rush to go have dinner nearby.

I hope I see them again and get to play longer next time. They were fun!

Dos sorpresas más el Miercoles.

Me toco hacer dos cosas que me gustán mucho: velear con globo y nadar con delfines.

Mi globo es una vela azul y blanca con el dibujo de dos comillas invertidas opuestas entre ellas. Hace que valla rapido aún con poca brisa. Ademas, yo me veo super chevere con ella.

En la tarde, unos delfines nadaron a mi lado. Eran preciosos, jugamos y hablamos por un ratico porque ellos tenían prisa para ir a comer la cena.

Ojala, que los pueda volver a ver y jugar más tiempo con ellos. Eran muy divertidos!